wow!Flight Dispatch Software

SkyManager is an automated dispatch software, used by FBOs, flight schools, aviation universities, and other organizations in the general aviation industry. The intuitive point and click interface simplifies the dispatch and check-in processes, ensuring all resources are properly managed.

Point and click dispatching of aircraft

Dispatching_Point and Click Dispatch

Dispatching aircraft via SkyManager is done by clicking on the reservation and following the prompts. Point, click, and you’re done. The color-coded schedule offers an at-a-glance view of aircraft based on dispatch status.

Before allowing dispatch of an aircraft, SkyManager automatically verifies certain safety-related and financial criteria have been met by the pilot (member status, approval to fly the requested aircraft, medical certificate, annual and biennial proficiency, account balance and flight currency). Also before allowing dispatch of an aircraft, SkyManager automatically verifies certain airworthiness factors, including inspections (annual, ELT, transponder, pilot/static, and the 50-hour and 100-hour) as well as checking for reported critical maintenance discrepancies.

Streamlined check-in and record keeping

Dispatching_Streamlined Check In

Upon returning the aircraft, SkyManager prompts the pilot for key metrics (beginning and ending Hobbs time, ending tachometer time, amount of fuel and oil added, and number of landings performed). After a review of this information, SkyManager automatically updates the aircraft maintenance records and debits the pilot’s account accordingly. To check-in the aircraft, administrators simply click the reservation and follow the prompts.

Peace of mind through automation

Dispatching_Peace of Mind

Dispatching aircraft requires significant coordination to manage all the moving parts. SkyManager offers peace of mind by automating many of the labor-intensive activities. If any aspect of the verification process fails (with regard to the pilot or aircraft), the system would require an override by an authorized staff member before the aircraft can be dispatched. In addition, check-in and associated record keeping now take only a few seconds. SkyManager also identifies lapses in Hobbs time in just a few seconds, which is traditionally a time-intensive activity for flight managers.

Pilots also experience greater peace of mind through accessibility to important information. SkyManager serves as an electronic flight log, reducing risk of information loss. To plan future lessons, instructors can utilize SkyManager to review student flight logs. During dispatch, pilots are also presented with a summary of recent maintenance activities. After reviewing this information, pilots can perform many of the dispatch activities traditionally reserved for administrative personnel.

SkyManager in Action

SkyManager can benefit your FBO, flight school, university, or flying club.
